Justin fell out of a tree yesterday and broke his elbow. He was really great through the whole thing. He was laughing with the doctor. He has a temporary cast and is going to the Orthopedic today. I will update later.
Above: I can't remember the last time I did a scrapbook pages about only me. I can't believe that I am 36 today. I am very lucky to have such a loving husband and three beautiful kids. Thank you to all friends and family who remembered me today. Below: The family photo on Easter.
I never knew how hard it was going to be for me to make this transition with her. She finally learned how to climb out of her crib. I am surprised that it took her this long to learn since she has been climbing since she was 9 months old. She wasn't so sure about the toddler bed the first night and she doesn't get out of bed once she is in there. Now we need to have her teach her brothers this process.
I am a stay at home mom of three beautiful kids - Kyle (7), Justin (5), Paige (2). I have a wonderful husband who I have been married to for 9 1/2 years together for 11 1/2 years.