Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 20th

Well it is official. Tom is up in Portland and I am a single mom during the week. Tom is feeling homesick and I am feeling caged in. I know that now is a good time to be doing this since the kids are still small. I also know that it is on 3 1/2 months out of our lives.

Kyle is starting T-Ball next week. His first game is scheduled for April 12th.

Justin is starting Tot Soccer in two weeks. I will keep you updated on when the games start.

Spring Break starts March 22 thru March 30th. We are meeting my friend Dawn in Portland to take the kids to the zoo and who knows what else. The kids will be excited to see daddy for a couple of days.

I hope all is well with all of you. Miss and think about you often. Bye for now.


Laurie said...

Hang in there, kiddo! Being a single parent for a few months will be extremely difficult but worth it cause you are coming to Portland. Woo Hoo! ha ha.

Laurie :)

Flo said...

Well the good thing is it is getting better weather and you will be able to be outside more.
Sounds like you have lots of people waiting for you to get to Portland... I know Jenn is waiting for you to get there too. It will go by fast with all the kids sports and just keeping up with Paige LOL