Friday, January 25, 2008

Craigslist junky

Well it is official. I have become a craigslist junky. I have put some misc items on there and already sold a few things. My sister-in-law, Lisa, bought a new couch and loveseat off craigslist in Portland for cheep. I know she watched craigslist for a long time but got what she wanted.

I got to go SCRAPBOOKING on Sunday in Roseburg. My group of friends in Roseburg FORGOT to invite me. I decided to just show up. They were all very surprised. I know there are a lot of times I can't go. Sometimes I just show up when nobody expects it. Love and miss you girls (Kris too).

We are not doing much this weekend except cleaning out the garage. I going to craigslist a bunch more stuff so I don't have to move it with us to Portland. Hope to see you all soon.

I will add some more pics this weekend.

1 comment:

Flo said...

Yes Wendy I did hear about your friends not inviting you to the scrapbooking. You poor thing it is sad when your own friends forget you... LOL That is the beauty of haveing great friends if they forget it doesn't matter you know you can just show up and everyone is happy to see you....
I haven't even went to Craigslist but I hear lots of people use it so I will have to check it out....
Good luck and lets us all know how it goes... Sounds like if you wait long enough you will get what you are looking for or sell what you don't want.....