Monday, April 7, 2008

Caught in the act - AGAIN

I just don't know what I am going to do with this little girl. I turned around from helping Kyle with his homework to find THIS. She pulled everything on the floor and used it for a stepping stool.

Also, I was in the boys room making beds. When I got almost done, she was halfway up the boys ladder at the foot of their bed.



SHANE, JENN and CARTER said...

LOL !!! She is a climber !!! Good luck with that !!! She sure is a cutie !!!!!!

Flo said...

There probably isn't much you can do as once they learn to climb they never quit.... My 2nd. son was a climber and he used to stack the canisters on the counter to get up into the cupboards LOL and no matter what I did he always managed to climb on something...